Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 24: San Francisco, California

Oh dear, oh dear. San Francisco does a pretty good impression of British weather! Today it poured and poured all day. We decided to ditch our plans of a walk around the city and opted for a bus tour. Finding one that wasn’t completely open top was a chore but we did manage it and chose to go over the Golden Gate Bridge and back. The route skirted round China Town, bypassed Pacific Heights where the swanky Victorian houses are and took us across the bay for 15 wet minutes of not-so-happy snapping.

We were sitting on the partially covered top which was only partially steamed up so we did manage to see something of the city’s views. Unfortunately that was about it. On our return journey we stopped off at Lombard Street to climb a grueling three blocks to get to the top of the ‘most crooked street in the world’ and then walked to another Fisherman’s Wharf to find somewhere to dry off.

After lunch we decided to cut our losses and head back and enjoy our rather luxurious hotel. After peeling off our layers of sopping wet clothes and draping them around the room to dry, we all nestled into bed to make full use of the free wifi and big screen TV. Only a couple of hours until our free cocktails at four!
Luckily the day was redeemed by meeting chatting with a very nice couple from Austin in the cocktail lounge and then having the best meal of our trip in Chinatown. We had to queue to get in and share a table once we were in but the waitress chose everything for us and it was a delicious meal - all for under $100!
Today’s Tune: If You're Going to San Francisco (be sure to wear some flowers in your hair) by Scott McKenzie
Wildlife Watch: I think it would have to be the considerable number of ‘down and outs’ living on the streets of San Francisco

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